
Genotyping (or piling up) a list of common variants on each cell is a pre-step for demultiplexing them with Vireo. This step requires some bioinformatics efforts, but thanks to many developers in this community, there are a few good existing software to use.

Genotyping cells can be divided into the following two sub-steps, and in different situations, the strategy may need to be customised for ensuring high quality genotyping data to demultiplex cells.

Recommended strategies for genotyping cells:


cellSNP was initially developed in Python based on pysam, which is convenient for a few thousand cells but becomes the computational bottleneck for large number of cells. Therefore, we have re-implemented it to cellsnp-lite in C/C++ with ~5x faster and ~50x less memory.

1. Identify candidate SNPs

There are multiple ways to identify candidate SNPs, each has unique properties and may suit situations or species differently. Here, we listed two common strategies.

Option 1): using a common variants

The best way is to genotype the each of the pooled samples either by genotyping array or exome/genome/RNA sequencing (or other omics data), and use this list of distinguish variants to as candidate to genotype each cell. However, this can be costly, and not necessary in most cases.

For human, a very comprehensive list of common variants have been identified by international efforts, e.g., 10000 genome project and gnomAD which gives a few millions common SNPs to genotype on each cell. The benefits include the reduced confounders, e.g., caused by RNA editing. We normally recommend this if for human, and we provide some pre-processed SNP list.


Here are some tips if you have genotypes for input donors:

  1. Imputation can be helpfule if you obtained genotypes for each human individual from SNP-array or Whole exome-seq.
  2. Selection of informative SNPs is useful for filtering out SNPs with identical or very similar genotypes in all mixed donors. You may consider AC, AF or similar tag in you donor VCF file. bcftools is a very useful tool for such preprocessing.

Option 2): Calling variants from scRNA-seq

Other than human, most species may not have a well-defined common variants, hence the best way is to call the variants from pooled scRNA-seq directly.

The package freebayes is an often choice, which designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs, indels, MNPs, and complex events smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment. Importantly, freebayes has a set of options to filter reads and variants.

We also recommend an alternative method cellsnp-lite that is developed by us. Its mode 2b has a similar feature to pileup the whole genome and identify the heterozygous variants in the pooled samples. It has highly comparable accuracry to freebayes and bcftools mpileup and achieves 5-10x speedups.

2. Genotype each cell

Once a list of candidate variants are found, it is more straightforward to genotype each cell. We provide three common methods, with recommendation to our cellsnp-lite to seamlessly with Vireo.

  • The famous mpileup from bcftools / samtools is often a good choice. However, this can be slow, as it doesn’t allow parallel computing and it doesn’t support the cell barcodes and UMI tag in the pooled BAM file for many cells.
  • This limitation motivates us to develop cellSNP, a pysam wrap (now cellsnp-lite in C/C++) to pile up the variants in each cell. The benefits include parallel computing, taking cell barcoding tag and support UMIs.
  • Alternatively, vartrix is also an option to genotype cells in 10x Genomics data.

Once the genotype (mainly pileup) has been achieved, it can be used to demultiplex the pooled cells, see the manual.